Business Analysis

Business Analysis is a widely adopted term in the I.T. industry, however the true meaning of the definition is often overlooked. 

Our Business Analysts are concerned with the Logical World (the “what”) not the Physical World (the “how”): they manage Requirements, User Experience, Functional Design, Process Design or define Logical Data Models. A common error is mixing the two areas, which breaks the segregation of requirements vs solution; creating risks for your project by introducing limitations in achieving the ultimate business objectives.

Other pitfalls to the success of the project are to do with not defining the required work products upfront. Regardless of the methodology used, these should be defined within a coherent delivery framework in order to create clarity and promote accountability early on. Without this you risk promoting an ad-hoc or “just-in-time” approach to project delivery. Konseption has a library of work product that can help shape your delivery framework.

Our Business Analysts are highly disciplined in the professional industry methods used for I.T. Delivery and your project will be in safe hands.